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College Admissions Counseling for Ninth Graders

Preparing for College in 9th Grade

As a 9th grader, you are entering the transition phase from a middle school to a high school student. It is also the time when you and your parents are beginning to think about what comes next — finding and gaining admission to the ideal college or university.

At Insight Education, we recognize that the path to college begins on the first day of high school. We offer expert college counseling for 9th-grade students through our Freshman Advantage program, which provides early support and a tailored plan to help students navigate high school effectively. Our plan will enable you to make meaningful decisions that positively impact your college admissions journey. 

You can choose to enroll in our Freshman Advantage Counseling Program for:

  • 2 years (Grade: 9th-10th)
  • 3 years (Grade: 9th-10th-11th)
  • 4 years (Grade: 9th-10th-11th-12th)

What Does Freshman Advantage Entail?

Our Freshman Advantage program establishes a solid foundation for your college admissions preparation. It allows our counselors to get to know you well and discover what you hope to accomplish from an academic and social perspective.

In addition to focusing on meeting the admissions acceptance criteria, our counseling will help you develop the knowledge and skills you will need to succeed in a challenging college environment. 

Leaving Your Comfort Zone

Many students find adjustment to college life difficult. Your counselor will begin to prepare you to deal with the issues that often accompany being “uncomfortable,” such as managing stress and coping with failure. 

Developing Time Management Skills

A successful college experience requires balancing a heavy academic load with a social life and, in some cases, a part-time job and various on- and off-campus activities. During Freshman Advantage, you will receive guidance on how to manage your time effectively and efficiently.

Establishing Productive Study Habits

Allocating a sufficient number of hours each day to studying is an integral component of time management. Our counselors will help you find ways to prioritize academics without impeding your pursuit of other essential activities.

Improving Communication Skills

Communicating well is crucial to your success in high school and college — and in life. During Freshman Advantage, you will learn how to hone your interpersonal skills and interact effectively with teachers and peers. 

Maintaining Intellectual Curiosity

Although it’s important to explore your current interests, you must remain open to new ideas to continue to grow and prosper. Your counselor will help you understand the immediate and long-term benefits of staying curious and being a lifetime learner.

Why Choose Insight Education?

At Insight Education, we’ve helped thousands of students and their families optimize their college admissions processes. We’ll collaborate with you to create a clear academic roadmap that aligns with your learning goals and assist in developing the additional skills you need to succeed in college and beyond. Our dedicated team of education professionals will provide personalized guidance during every step of the process. 

Contact Us to Schedule a Session

Learn more about our counseling services for first-year high school students and how they can add value to the college admissions process. Submit the online contact form to schedule an initial consultation today.

Contact Us