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Graduate School Admissions Counseling


Graduate level admissions differ significantly from the undergraduate admissions process most students are familiar with. Unfortunately, many aspiring professionals are unprepared as they begin the process.

While there are many more applicants at the undergraduate level, each and every graduate level applicant has, at a minimum, distinguished him- or herself with the successful completion of a degree. Furthermore, many graduate student applicants have extensive life experiences, professional experiences, research experiences, and other accolades that help them stand out from the crowd.

At Insight, we have worked with countless students who were once feeling exactly the way you feel today. As applicants once ourselves and now as advisors, we understand the intricate and detailed graduate admissions process and we are here to demystify it for you and get you prepared, no matter how ambitious your goals.

Graduate School Admissions can vary significantly from school to school and program type to program type. At Insight we support both current undergraduates applying to graduate school and working professionals preparing to return to school. Our single goal is to help you get the favorable response you’re looking for, and we have the experience with and insight into the process that allows us to help you crack it.

Our graduate school admissions services include assisting students applying to:

  • Medical school
  • Law school
  • Letters and Sciences Graduate Programs
  • Engineering Graduate Programs

We will assist you in building a list of schools and making wise choices about your options. We help you prepare your essays and applications the right way. And we are here to aid you in staying on track with all requirements and deadlines — without undue stress.

Find out more about this important investment into your future.

What Are Insight Students & Parents saying?
  • “Insight became synonymous with the word “home”. We flocked to the Insight office every chance we got and worked until we couldn&”

  • “Insight helped me significantly with College Planning and 1:1 SAT prep. Ajit and the staff helped me find universities to apply to that fit ”

  • “My daughter got admission into her first-choice college at UCSB a few days ago. We are so excited!!! I know I am a mix between a helicopter ”

  • “Insight Education’s tutoring services are top-notch, and Jennifer is an exceptional tutor! My daughter worked with Jennifer to prepare”

  • “I liked the structured method by which Zach approached the whole admission process. First, there was research into colleges to make a list, ”

  • “Priya was absolutely amazing to work with! We are thrilled that our son got into his top choice for college at LMU for the undergraduate bus”

  • “Thank you so much for helping me formulate my thoughts into words and help me write my essays. I got into Ut Austin for biology – stil”

  • “I just wanted to thank you again for your help during the college admission process. My family and I have been scrambling to figure out the ”

  • “I really couldn’t have gotten to Harvard without you. In shock. Thank you x10000000000000! I have the best college counselor in the wo”

  • “I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time out of your day to organize a meeting with me and help me in writing my summer program es”

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