This is it! You are finally graduating high school and getting ready for that next step of your life, whatever that may be.
You have made it through high school, hopefully unscathed and excited for the future. For those of you that will be heading off to college in the Fall, you have the next few months of summer to celebrate all that you have accomplished so far in your life and also to prepare for future challenges. This is also a great time to get ahead and cross many things off your to-do list.
First let’s get the technicalities out of the way. Make sure that your high school knows where to send your final transcript. Colleges will need this to verify that you graduated, met all the requirements, and kept your grades up. If you have ever taken Advanced Placement exams, request scores to get sent once you receive your final scores in July. Colleges will need this report to properly place you in courses. And make sure that you have submitted all required forms to the college you will be attending. If the school requires you to attend an Orientation session, schedule one as soon as possible so that spaces don’t fill up.
While you have just finished four years of schooling, summer can be an ideal time to get ready for the academic rigors of college. If you are already feeling anxious about a certain course, take it over the summer to either get it out of the way or to just build your confidence. Alternatively, if you want to get some other general education courses out of the way so that you can focus on your core classes during the year, take one or two over the summer. Before you enroll in any courses, you should check with your college to make sure that the courses will be accepted. If you are feeling stress free about your academics, then skip the courses and spend your time on other endeavors.
If your calendar is completely free for the summer, use this time to try something new or learn something you have always wanted to learn. Pick up a hobby or go back to one that you had to give up because you did not have enough time before. These activities make you well rounded and bring some balance to your life. And hobbies can be learning experiences too! They can also introduce you to ideas and people that will serve you will in your life.
If you have a job or are planning to get one, you can use this time to save up some money and get some experience. Any type of job can help you develop strong skills. Working in any place that requires you to interact with customers on a regular basis, can teach you strong interpersonal skills. Working with people is something you want to learn well and early because it is something you will do throughout your life. Jobs also force you to be responsible and accountable – two traits future employers will want to know you have.
These days of summer will go by in what seems like an instant. Make the most of every day, but make sure to also have some downtime. You are about to embark on a journey that will change your perspectives and impact your future. Taking a breather will help you to reflect on where you are and contemplate where you are headed.
More than anything enjoy this time in your life. And congratulations!
All the best,
Team Insight