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Class Dates Schedule Enroll PDF
Pay-As-You-Go 1 Hour Tutoring Session

For a single session of one-hour 1:1 private tutoring.

Click Enroll Now to secure your tutoring seat today.

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5 Hours Tutoring Bundle

For 5 hours of 1:1 private tutoring.

Click Enroll Now to secure your tutoring seat today.

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10 Hours+1 Tutoring Bundle

Purchase 10 hours of 1:1 private tutoring
and get a BONUS hour!

Click Enroll Now to secure your tutoring seat today.

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20 Hours+3 Tutoring Bundle

Purchase 20 hours of 1:1 private tutoring
and get 3 BONUS hours!

Click Enroll Now to secure your tutoring seat today.

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30 Hours+5 Tutoring Bundle

Purchase 30 hours of 1:1 private tutoring
and get 5 BONUS hours!

Click Enroll Now to secure your tutoring seat today.

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40 Hours+8 Tutoring Bundle

Purchase 40 hours of 1:1 private tutoring
and get 8 BONUS hours!

Click Enroll Now to secure your tutoring seat today.

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Classes are still being scheduled for your selected time. Please contact us for more information.
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